
Fill your cup with joy + PLAY, in good company

What if carving out space for creativity & pleasure in your life could feel EASIER… and, dare I say it, ENJOYABLE?

Welcome to SUMMER CAMP. 

You are cordially invited to stop feeling guilty about wanting to have more fun & flirt with the unshakeable self-trust of knowing what you want and how to make time for it. 

SUMMER CAMP is a fabulously playful, 5-week virtual community brimming with micro-JOY-experiments & micro-reminders that you are deeply worthy of your own care.


Are you ready to…

  • Play? (Fullstop.)
  • Take nourishing care of yourself?
  • Take a break from putting everyone else’s needs (real or imagined!) ahead of your own?
  • Stop stressing out about making your fun “count,” either by making it productive in some way or feeling like it has to be perfect to be worth doing?

SUMMER CAMP is an anti-productivity zone.

Now, here’s where I could sell you on SUMMER CAMP by yammering on about how it actually is productive to prioritize your self-care and that perhaps doing so is the only way to stay human in the face of everything we are up against on the planet right now.

(Both of those things are true by the way.)

But I won’t do that because here at SUMMER CAMP, you don’t have to justify or earn your pleasure.

Here at SUMMER CAMP we believe in pleasure for pleasure’s sake and that this is an opportunity for YOU to make space for YOUR JOY – not because you’ve earned it, but, because you are alive and you can have it, if you choose it.

And if you choose it, I am here to celebrate your wins and play right alongside you.

What you’ll practice in SUMMER CAMP: 

What actually brings YOU joy & where to start
How & why to summon the energy for joy... even when you're feeling burnt out
Fitting joy into the life you HAVE instead of waiting for a “more ideal” time (ie. never)
How to take care of yourself without guilt, even if you haven't "earned" it
What you can do when you feel uncomfortable instead of bailing on yourself

When I say "practice" here, I do mean practice.

In SUMMER CAMP, I will encourage you to gain comfort and familiarity prioritizing your joy even when it's weird or messy, it's not what you expected, or you feel guilty or uncomfortable doing it.

Prioritizing joy is a muscle that we must grow! Feeling a squidge guilty and taking care of ourselves anyway is a muscle we must grow!

But we are never going to grow those muscles if we wait until we no longer feel guilty to do the damn thing.

When you sign up for Summer Camp, you’re making a hot date with this summer’s most delightful companion… YOURSELF. 

SUMMER CAMP is virtual club for women & non-binary folks hungering for greater self-connection. 

We are not taught to prioritize our relationship with ourselves.

We are certainly not taught to prioritize ourselves when there is obvious work to be done in the world around us. 

And yet, everything in our lives is benefitted when we grow our capacity for connection & joy.

Experience has taught me that joy can be a more complicated teacher than struggle. “Simply” enjoying yourself can so often feel more difficult than chugging along, muscling through and tackling whatever is in front of you.

But you? You are ready for the challenge of feeling blissful and well-resourced.

You’ll know you’re ready for this offering when 49% of you might squirm, but 51% of you is ready to kick off your shoes and dance through the grass on a beautiful summer’s day.


When you sign up for SUMMER CAMP, you will receive...

Weekly micro JOY & PLAY experiments

Each week, you will receive an experiment in your inbox to play with that week, with options to custom-tailor it to your desires.

Micro reminders that it’s ok to prioritize your needs

Need extra support to embody the knowledge that you are allowed to receive access to your own precious resources? I’ve got you.

Field guide to track & celebrate your progress

Play with your SUMMER CAMP experiments with fun badges, weekly trackers, and journal prompts to support your progress.

Campfire sessions to gather with our community

These calls will be a chance to ask questions & gather around the virtual fire with humans figuring out how to prioritize their joy

Virtual craft-alongs to create & play together live

These lightly facilitated group calls will be opportunities to play alongside one another. Think co-working or body-doubling, but for fun 😉

Private podcast episodes to take lessons on the go

No need to stay tethered to your computer to play along! Our private podcast will house all CAMP content for you to listen to on the fly.

SUMMER CAMP will not be another thing chaining you to your computer or sitting behind a desk this summer. 

Over the course of five delicious weeks, SUMMER CAMP will urge you to lovingly and creatively examine the landscape of your life and weave joy into everything else on your plate. 

Think :: nature scavenger hunts, watching the sunset or sunrise, trying a new recipe, playing with clothing or adornment, using the art supplies you’re saving for a special occasion, dancing, taking your time as you shower or wash your face, reading for fun, or visiting special spots in your area that you rarely seek out.

I created this to be an experience that you can easily pack in your bag and take with you on your adventures. All you need is your SUMMER CAMP field guide, a device to listen to podcast lessons & your earbuds!

How much time you spend with these weekly prompts is entirely up to you! Every minute and drop of joy will benefit you, but being able to spend 10-15 minutes a day on these activities is a gorgeous start. 


Ready for camp? Say yes to yourself here:

SUMMER CAMP runs July 1 - Aug 4, 2024



Micro reminders

Group Campfire sessions

Group craft-a-longs

Digital field guide & badges


Care Package

Camp, plus: 

A care package in the mail with a physical field guide, sticker badges, friendship bracelet & a love note from me!


plus 1:1 Sessions

Camp + Care package, plus:

Two 1:1 sessions with Mara (July & Sept)

Voice memo & email support during Summer Camp



Campfire sessions will take place on Monday nights @ 7 - 8:30 pm Eastern 

Dates: 7/1, 7/15, 7/29

Craft-a-longs will take place Wednesdays @ 12:30 - 2:00 pm Eastern. 

Dates: 7/10 & 7/24

All calls will be recorded and posted within 24 hours both in the online classroom (video) and on the private podcast (audio) for you to listen to at your leisure.

You can come & sit by me.

Hey there. I’m Mara.


Like you, I have a very full life. I’m a parent to two rambunctious children, a partner to someone who cannot stop themselves from planning our next home project, and an ambitious creator of online coaching programs and live retreats.

I’m also someone who is deeply in touch with my needs for joy and play!

Here’s a shortlist of what I am obsessed with right now. 

Hula hooping in my backyard to Cowboy Carter. Cowboy Carter, period. THE carriage scene & the Bridgerton book series overall. Walking in the woods. Romantasy novels a la Sarah J. Maas. Oiling my scalp. Eating coconut chia pudding with peanut butter, granola, and fresh strawberries. Re-learning German on duolingo. Mushrooms 🍄. Drinking perfect cups of coffee. Handmade journals with raw edges of paper. Wearing my robe until 10 am, at least. 

I believe in...

  • The healing power of giving yourself permission to be obsessed with things
  • The generative power of centering joy, pleasure & PLAY!
  • Reclaiming the joys that make us cringe!
  • Adults with robust hobbies 🙂

And most importantly, I believe in attempting to make space for alllllllll of that, regardless of what is on my plate.

I know what it’s like to feel like I need to “get it all done” before doing anything fun… only to work until I’m utterly exhausted before melting into a puddle in front of the TV.

I know that somehow, even with all of my labor, my to-do list was never, actually, finished.

I know what it’s like to be so disconnected from myself that I genuinely did not even know what I liked… and certainly had no tools to ask for it. 

I know what it’s like to be terrible at sticking to my own boundaries… giving up the time I had earmarked for myself each and every time the merest whiff of something needing my attention arose.

I’ve “known what to do” and I haven’t done it. For years. 

And, I want so, so much better for all of us. 


Friend, SUMMER CAMP is for you if… 

  • You want to feel courageously committed to following your own path.
  • You are ready to learn how to stay with yourself when other people question or challenge you when you’re prioritizing yourself.
  • You are hungry to reconnect with your passion and joy again… and consistently.
  • You are ready to let go of the sense that you’re not enough and you’re letting people down each and every time you embrace your own joy.
  • You want to find joy without taking it all way too seriously – allowing yourself to dawdle, putter, and create without the heavy perfectionism of needing it to look a certain way in order to be “worth” it.

If you've been nodding along, I hope that you will find your way into our circle this summer. 


Ready for camp? Say yes to yourself here:

SUMMER CAMP runs July 1 - Aug 4, 2024



Micro reminders

Group Campfire sessions

Group craft-a-longs

Digital field guide & badges


Care Package

Camp, plus: 

A care package in the mail with a physical field guide, sticker badges, friendship bracelet & a love note from me!


plus 1:1 Sessions

Camp + Care package, plus:

Two 1:1 sessions with Mara (July & Sept)

Voice memo & email support during Summer Camp

Your Pressing SUMMER CAMP Questions, Answered