Anna helps feminist creatives and change-makers go from dreaming to doing – without the striving and overwhelm. She is the author of The Creative Doer, and hosts a beautiful online course and community where women from all over the world gather to make good stuff happen. Anna lives with her two daughters, two cats and a dog in rural Sweden, where forests are deep, winter is dark and summer nights last forever.
In today’s episode, Anna and I discuss the laughable concept of finding “balance” between creativity and taking care of ourselves, practical negotiations in getting your needs met on a more oft occurring basis, and trusting your body to let you know what you need. This deeply rich conversation delves into the heart of what it means to be a driven, ambitious creator with a human body in need to tending and a hunger to live life well.
Tune in to hear us explore…
- doing the work you are called to do instead of what you think you should do
- saying no — even and especially when that means saying no to yourself
- worthiness and believing you deserve to maintain your own boundaries
- where to begin in cultivating your creative life
Hang with Anna…
- Visit her online home
- Connect with her on Instagram
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