The To-Do List Makeover

This is your invitation to sustainably take action on the things that matter to you most, with as much ease + grace as you can muster.

Stop feeling overwhelmed every time you think about ALL of the things that you are behind on (and fighting the urge to pull the blanket over your head instead of getting to work).

Stop getting distracted by your many, many ideas and bring your focus to one project at a time.

Stop hemorrhaging energy each day trying to remember it all and keep all of the logistics in your mind -- amen and hallelujah.

I know, you've tried it all: A paper planner. MANY paper planners. A bullet journal. Your google calendar. Notebook after notebook started with excellent intentions that fizzle after three pages. Getting Things Done. To-Doist. Lists! (Reeeeeeeally long lists that seem to constantly be regenerating.) Strict routines... that only make you feel more suffocated and stressed. 

The To-Do List Makeover is a workshop for humans who want a flexible plan that they can make their own so that they can FINALLY + FOREVER take action in a way that is unique to their needs.

How nourishing would it feel to put your day to rest at a reasonable time, ready to refill your cup so that you can show up again tomorrow?

What would it be like to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to take action on a set of clearly defined priorities?

How might your productivity shift if you were to know exactly where you want to devote your time and energy each day?

What might be possible if you knew how to create a flexible structure in place to gently hold yourself accountable to your needs and dreams without cruel self-talk, the daily threat of punishment, or retribution for your perceived laziness?


Praise for Tend

The TDLM system is simple, SUPER humane, straight-forward, and works with how my brain processes information. It meets me where I am and doesn't require me to overhaul my entire life to start using it. It's also easy to begin again if I miss some days or weeks of planning, and I love having that ease & grace because LIFE happens.
- Nic Strack, Parenting Coach,

The To-Do List Makeover is a 2-hour workshop that will teach you how to create the life you've been hungering for through consistent, daily action.

(For realz this time.)

After our time together, you will understand:

  • How to create manageable expectations that you are ACTUALLY able to follow through with
  • A process for clarifying, prioritizing & organizing your ideas that will free up tons of energy
  • How to put your self-care on your to-do list without completely overwhelming yourself
  • The 10 magical questions to ask yourself that are guaranteed to bring way more ease into your daily life

Praise for Tend

Before signing-up for TDLM, I had tried every planner on the planet. I love Mara’s gentle approach to dealing with real-life even when it’s not instagram-worthy. My goals were to really identify the things I needed to do and get a better plan to make things happen.

- Claire F. 

Wanting to get things done and feel good while doing it isn't too much to ask.

Hey there, I'm Mara Glatzel and I'm ridiculously passionate about helping you create the life you are dreaming of creating for yourself with curiosity, kindness, and ample self-compassion.

I am a highly ambitious + highly sensitive human with needs.

I LOVE having a solid system that helps me take action without panic or wanting to hide with the blankets over my head.

I have been where you might be now -- stuck, overwhelmed, and consumed with self-loathing as another day/week/month/YEAR passes without any tangible action in the direction of my goals.

I have told myself that I needed to just PUSH THROUGH and put my needs on the back burner. (Hello, burnout.)

I have avoided my dreams altogether, pretending that they don't actually matter that much to me in an attempt to protect myself from failure and disappointment. (Hello, Netflix binge of that show I've already watched four times through -- cough, cough, West Wing.)

MG 18-61

I have attempted to force myself along with cruel self-talk, believing I could "inspire" myself to action by telling myself non-stop what a horrendous, pathetic, unlovable failure I was. (Sob.)

None of that helped me get more done and, in fact, these "attempts" completely undermined my self-confidence and self-trust. 

The To-Do List Makeover is a distillation of the system that I have created and taught over the last four years, pulled together into a shiny new workshop ready to completely change the way you approach your time management.


Praise for Tend

I joined TDLM hoping that I would FINALLY find a system that would allow me to take into account my daily changing energy levels. This process was really helpful for me to have a more clear path to getting things done in a non 'Hustle and grind til you die' kind of way.  I really liked that you continually said your to-do list should be a flexible document that works with you. I need to hear that about a million more times to help me show my to-do list who's the boss.  So far this has helped me to see how much time and energy I really need to get things done and I'm looking forward to using the tools I came up for myself when I stall out. Thanks!

- Dionne Ruff-Sloan,

Workshop Details

  • Your invitation to the live workshop + access to the recording
  • Journal prompts, the TDLM workbook + a sneak peek behind the scenes at my completed pages
  • A week of celebratory emails following the live workshop to help you take imperfect action every day
  • Support from me -- hit reply to any of those emails to let me know where you are stuck + I will record a personalized video response just for you!

Want to join the next round of TDLM? Sign up for the waitlist here!

Big Love for TDLM

Praise for Tend

I am not naturally organized. I love structure, I need structure and I resist it wholeheartedly. TDLM captured my ideas and my heart AND also provided the structure I struggle to find on my own with wisdom, acceptance, compassion, humour and grace. Sign up, it will help.

- Tanya Levy, Heartlady


Praise for Tend

My biggest concern in signing-up for TDLM was that this might just be another person's system that I needed to ADD to my list of planning methods/rituals each week, which would only stress me out instead of grounding me and helping me feel clear, calm, and focused. However, your work is incredibly helpful! I love the way you broke it out into 4 distinct steps/lists that progress from big to small -- and I'm SO grateful you created the four separate videos! Seeing your real-life example was also INCREDIBLY supportive, as was having a central hub where all of the materials live. Thank you thank you thank you.

- Michelle Anthony LaCroix,


Praise for Tend

TDLM was SO NOURISHING. I loved how Mara held space for us to really dig into the questions she asked us. I’m often hesitant and resistant to holding that space for myself. I got some great insights from sitting with those questions, which really helps me have compassion for myself in all of those past attempts at getting my shit together. I love that the system feels so simple and manageable.

- Sara N.


Praise for Tend

TDLM felt like a big, warm hug!  It was FULL of support and super realistic, actionable steps.  I felt like you really understood the struggles I've faced with to-do lists, overwork, and productivity in general, and your biggest mission was to help that while approaching everything as kindly and sustainably as possible.  There was a lot of inspiration in TDLM to shift our perspectives to thinking and acting more compassionately with ourselves. I definitely needed it. Thank you so much, Mara!

- Bri Brubaker,


Praise for Tend

TDLM felt like a real retreat/workshop! I loved finishing with something concrete done.

- Lori A.


Praise for Tend

Truly, Mara, I cannot think of a thing you could do to make this class better. Your confidence and joy spill over into everything you do! I appreciate that you record the session and make it available to me to use as a refresher later on.

- Cathy Manning 


Praise for Tend

I really enjoyed learning live from you! I signed-up because I was interested in the combination of self-care and productivity. I've gotten so burned out on the typical entrepreneur focused productivity conversation that is all about hustle and drive. The follow-up emails have been an excellent reminder to hold these teachings as we moved out of the workshop and into actual life.
- Dominique, Starglass Media


Praise for Tend

I loved TDLM’s emphasis on taking how you feel that day into account and the reminders to keep narrowing your list down to what's most important. I signed up for TDLM hoping to more realistic with my list, be kinder to myself about my capacity, and make more progress towards my big goals that sometimes get pushed aside by the everyday hubbub. In the past, I have suffered from putting an unrealistic amount of things on my lists and then beating myself up when I don't get it all done.
- Wayla C.