Self-Care That Actually Works


FREE LIVE WORKSHOP | Tuesday, October 1st at 12 pm Eastern

You've promised yourself a thousand times: "Tomorrow, I'll start taking better care of myself." But tomorrow comes, and life happens - again.

You're juggling work, relationships, and a never-ending to-do list, leaving you wondering, "When did I become last on my own list?"

The guilt creeps in every time you consider putting yourself first, whispering that you're being selfish or that there are more important, deserving things that require your attention first.

But deep down, you know something's got to give.

You're tired of feeling drained, overwhelmed, and like you're constantly falling short.

What if there was a way to fit self-care into your chaotic life without the guilt or the struggle?

It's time to break the cycle and discover Self Care That Actually Works - my free workshop designed for women, femmes, and nonbinary folks who want to show up for what matters to them most without sacrificing their own care.

Are you ready to completely reimagine your relationship with self-care + craft a plan that is TANGIBLE + UTTERLY DOABLE in 90 minutes?

Here’s what I know to be true:

A better time to show up for yourself is not coming.

A blank week on your Google calendar does not and will not exist.

You do not and will not have a magically clean house, a mind-reading and helpful partner, a non-demanding employer, or quiet, need-free children.

A perfect plan is not going to ride in on a white horse and save you.

But, you absolutely can save yourself.

You're the real deal in self-help and self-improvement. In a sea of people giving ‘professional’ advice that amounts to platitudes, you provide concrete strategies for making people's lives better, wherever they find themselves. - Allison Waechter


  • Understand WHY you’re feeling so burnt out + why being burnt out isn't an invitation to work harder
  • Know exactly why the self-care you’ve been trying has missed the mark
  • Understand the meaning of real + sustainable self-care (in contrast to the “buy this to fix yourself” type of self-care that’s been taught to us)
  • Create a deliciously doable + sustainable care plan that works for YOU specifically
  • Understand why healing in community is essential to “make it stick"


What supplies or tech will I need in order to take part in this workshop?

In order to participate in Self-Care That Actually Works, you'll need a high speed internet connection, notebook, and a pen. The workshop will take place on an online platform where you will be able to hear and see me while I'm teaching, ask questions in the chat box, but you won't need to be on camera for any portion of the workshop.

Will there be a recording if I can't make it live?

Yes! While I always recommend joining in live if you can, the workshop will be recorded and sent out shortly after we wrap up.

How can you teach self-care in a one-size-fits-all workshop?

Ahhhh, but this ISN'T a one-size-fits-all workshop. Too much of the self-care that is taught and sold is prescriptive, not responsive. My work is about identifying, honoring, and tending to YOUR needs, which means that while there may be overlap, each and every one of us has a unique care recipe that will support and nourish us.

Think of my work as a flexible framework for you to fill in as you see fit. During this workshop I will share the information that will support YOU in crafting your own unique care recipe.

What if I'm too burnt out to even implement what I learn?

Sweet friend, even the tiniest steps in the right direction are healing. Consider signing up for Self-Care That Actually Works to be one such tiny step in the direction of living more robustly, vibrantly, and wholly. There is room for you here.

Curious about the human behind this delightful offering?


Hey there,

my name is Mara Glatzel.

I am an intuitive coach, teacher & author of Needy: How to Advocate for Your Needs and Claim Your Sovereignty.

I help over-givers stop abandoning themselves & start taking up space in their own lives.

I'm a queer, femme wife and mother of two, recovering control freak, and a human who deeply understands the impulse to relegate my needs to the bottom of a very long to-do list in an attempt to prove my worth.

I believe that the ultimate act of self-care is rebuilding the chasm in your relationship with yourself so that you can feel seen, heard, and adored, no matter what. I want you to know (in your bones) that you don’t have to over-deliver, minimize your needs, or suffer to earn your space in the world. You are worthy of the care and tending you give others. You can create a relationship with yourself filled with radiant trust, compassion, and gentle discipline, no matter how disconnected from yourself you might feel right now.

I am here to help you believe in yourself as much as I believe in you.

My superpower is saying what you need to hear when you need to hear it.